Today kicked off Ride Your Bike to Work Week. This annual event is promoted by the League of American Bicyclists, which has been advocating bike travel since its inception in 1880 when it was first known as the League of American Wheelmen.
An interesting quick fact, the League of American Wheelmen is noted for spearheading the The Good Roads Movement in the late 1800's which eventually led to the development of our National Highway System.
Another interesting fact, the initial funding for The Good Roads Movement came in part from the Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1894.
So as you pedal your way to work this week wave to the local farmers and ranchers and maybe push your velo over to the Weathervane Farm and show your appreciation to our agricultural partners for smooth paved roads by purchasing some of their delicious happy chicken eggs. Or better yet sign on with their CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) to ensure your kitchen has a continuous weekly suupply of fresh produce straight from your local farm.
"But Brian, I've never commuted by bike before and I'm worried about trying it for the first time", you say. Well here are some resources on kicking off your first Bike to Work Week.
The Hows, Why's, and Simple Pleasures of the Two-Wheeled Commute
A pamphlet from the League of American Bicyclists with lot's of helpful tips
Commute By Bike
This link will take you to an index of helpful commuting articles, everything from riding at night to not showing up for work looking like you just came off the set of flash dance (if you don't get the reference that means you're too young and I'm officially too old)
Below are a couple of other links on the topic

There is really a plethora of information and fun stories on the topic of bike commuting that can be found on the web. The best thing I think that can be done to start riding your bike is to do it with a friend or coworker. Bike to work week is a great opportunity to join together and try something new, or for those who are already enjoying getting from point A to B without cranking up the combustion engine, take this opportunity to share the experience with someone you know. 30% of people who try Bike to Work Week/Day are hooked the very first day. That must mean it's a good thing.
I know I've really enjoyed it. Give it a try, you just might find a new interest in your life.
And if you need some local story info you can review two of my other posts listed here
"Why I LOVE commuting by bike"
"Life on two wheels"
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